A man of Winnie the Pooh.. :)

A man of Winnie the Pooh.. Has anyone ever heard of that?? What is the meaning of that?? In here, it refers to people who made Winnie the Pooh as their favorite character.. This is weird.. I’ve never heard of people,especially teenager and adult that adores Winnie the Pooh.. What is so special with this nice bear that I made it as my post?? Hehehe.. :D…

Hah?? Why after Winnie the Pooh picture, there is a Buddhist monk picture?? Wkwkwkwk :D… Actually both are connected.. Do you know that the monk inside the picture is Ajahn Brahm?? He is considered as one of the world’s best motivator.. And do you know that one of his favorite character is Winnie the Pooh..  Why does he like Winnie the Pooh?? Here is the reason.. Winnie the Pooh is a bear that never goes to school.. He is not smart, but he is very wise, he analyzed what he sees.. And he is also a very good, kind and lovable bear.. He often helps his friends that need help such as Piglet.. He ain’t a genius bear, but his wisdom, compassion, humbleness, care, and friendliness make him as a wonderful friend, a wonderful bear, and a wonderful character..

So, do you to be like Winnie the Pooh?? Now a days it is hard to find a person with such quality of life. We must try to develop those quality to our character, they will bring many benefits such as good friendship, strong family bond, strong moral, etc..

So, why not?? As long as we are still breathing, we can do it, right?? Hehehe.. So lets hope, especially for the young generation, that they will develop themselves to be a better person and create a better future..

Be good, be happy, be wise, and always smile.. 🙂

“Let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and in truth..”(1 John 3:18)

About Vincent Julianto

I am a male and I was born in 4th July 1997. I am interested in activity of teaching, lecturer, social conditions or life, humanitarian, history, geography, soccer, chess, motivation and inspiration, social organization (such as United Nations, WFF, etc.), IT, and religion. And my ambition is to become a lecturer or an activist in social or nature organization.. :)
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